Roundtable Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia 2015

Turning group work into teamwork (#138)

Ian Story 1
  1. Deakin University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Abstract Content (up to 300 words recommended)

An essential component of learning for life and work in a complex world is the capacity to collaborate effectively with others who share the same goal, be it to increase their understanding of a subject or achieve a work outcome.  With the traditions of higher education placing so much emphasis on solitary, individual achievement, it is not surprising that many attempts at fostering effective teamwork in learning and teaching produce unsatisfactory experiences for many students and teachers. This workshop will provide an introduction to Team-Based Learning, a well-established teaching strategy that has been successfully used in a large range of disciplines over the last 20 years. Evidence indicates that when correctly applied, Team-Based Learning increases students’ capacity for effective collaboration and also improves their learning in the subject area.

The target audience is any tertiary educator who teaches students in on-campus classes and is interested in learning about an effective strategy for flipping the classroom that has a solid evidence-base and a global community of practice supporting and researching the approach.

This workshop will use a Team-Based Learning teaching strategy to ensure that it is an immersive, hands on experience for participants.

Participants will be able to:

discriminate teaching and learning activities that promote effective collaboration from those that don’t

describe the key features of the Team-Based Learning teaching strategy that lead to greater engagement and learning

evaluate whether their teaching context is appropriate for deploying the complete Team-Based Learning strategy

apply ‘4S’ class activities in their teaching

Addressing the theme/s of the Conference (up to 200 words recommended)

 Team-Based Learning is a high quality teaching strategy that produces better outcomes in learning at the same time as providing an authentic context for students to develop significant capacity to collaborate effectively with others in achieving a common goal. It has been adopted in a very wide range of disciplines but has been particularly attractive to high-value, high stakes programs in the health professions. Although now 30 years old, the teaching strategies embodied in Team-Based Learning - flipped class, authentic learning, fuzzy problem solving, learner responsibility for learning - are all modern and very appropriate to the task of creating learners ready for life and work in a an increasingly complex world.