In light of growing pressures of accountability, increasing student diversity, and an emphasis on lifewide learning and co-curricular activities, new technologies such as digital portfolios have become a powerful way to document and demonstrate student learning. Higher education institutions and employers alike increasingly recognize the value and usefulness of these portfolios to support students, capture evidence of achievement of graduate capabilities, and evaluate prospective hires.
This workshop invites participants to explore the multidimensional purposes and functions of digital portfolios in addressing the diverse needs of learners, faculty, staff, programs, and institutions in higher education. A critical component underlying digital portfolios is the emphasis on how evidence of learning can be compiled, communicated, and shared with various stakeholders through this electronic medium. Digital portfolios are uniquely positioned to be a personalized learning space for life and work in a complex world but it is less clear how they can be effectively introduced and integrated into the higher education environment.
Location: Room 104 - Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre