Briony Supple Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia 2015

Briony Supple

Briony Supple is a passionate educator who is a newly appointed Lecturer, Learning and Teaching, in the Centre for Learning, Innovation and Professional Practice (CLIPP) at Federation University, Ballarat. She has a wealth of teaching experience which spans almost 15 years and a variety of countries and contexts. Originally trained in TESOL (Teaching English as a Second or Other Language) she has taught in Japan, China, Vietnam, Ireland, the UK and Chile. She has extensive experience in learner-centred pedagogical approaches to curriculum and assessment development, and in delivering teacher training and professional development. In her previous role at Victoria University, Briony was responsible for coordinating a suite of peer mentoring programs including Peer Assisted Study Sessions, (PASS), the Student Writing Space and Student Rovers, in a team with 3 other academics. She has a PhD from Monash University, awarded in 2013, entitled “Inclusion in higher education: an analysis of good practice, policy and attitudes at one Melbourne University”. Briony has a number of publications as a result of her thesis as well as from her work in student peer mentoring. Briony also complements her academic teaching with delivering continuous professional development for health professionals through intensive weekend courses for prospective infant massage instructors, and is also a certified infant massage instructor.

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